Dead Space Monster Lust 1 - Chapter 16 - Atomsk_the_Pirate_King, Twilight_Master_Emerald (2024)

Chapter Text

A scene opens up with Atomsk waiting for TME.

A moment later… TME came in… with his eyes steaming as he fell into the room with a groan.

“So… much… reading…” TME groans while he twitched on the ground as he drags himself into the room.

“Hey man… you okay?” Atomsk said.

TME turns his head while his red eyes look ominously at Atomsk.

“You… really want to ask me that… after I had to reread… and even skim 15 freaking chapters of Dead space Monster Lust 1… virtually a kinky retelling of this game… which took me days… and your asking… if I’m OK?” TME said though he groans as he puts his head down.

“Oh… forget angry… lets just get to the recap before I forget…” TME said while Maite came by and placed a pack of ice on TME’s head making it steam.

Atomsk sweatdrops.

“Okay… I think it’s better we just start the story since it looks like TME could boil some water with that rage?”

“He’s making the ice melt too.” Cedric said behind the camera.

“Hey before we do… lets at least get a small recap made for those who just jump to this chapter… how long has it been since Chapter 15 Atomsk?... I’ll take over for TME so he can recover.” Emerald said when he walked on stage as Maite drags Emerald from the stage so it was Emerald and Atomsk right now.

“Well… let’s say… a year ago when the chapter was posted. And so far in Chapter 15… Emerald is having trust issues Kendra and now Cedric since apparently the planet was forbidden even though Cedric is adamant on not knowing. Then in Lillum’s safe, the shards of the Marker glow which affected both Cedric and Emerald and they have become horny beasts.” Atomsk said.

“I see… Well that wasn’t until after the Valor crashed into the side of the Ishimura… we all know that the escape pod getting there was the finishing blow for the Valor’s crew.” Emerald said while he rubs the back of his head.

“Oh yeah. Almost forgot but yeah… now seems Emerald and co we’ll have to go to the Valor as Cedric is at the Hive. Also Hammond is still missing.” Atomsk said.

“No kidding… given things if all the ladies are TKOed and more… seems like the Dead space Emerald and maybe Izzy if she recovers will have to do a tag mission… don’t think Izzy was alone with Dead space Emerald for long so could be good bonding and stuff on the Valor.” Emerald said while he looks thoughtful and stuff on things.

“Oh yeah. Plus this can be good for Cedric to… reconnect with Azure hehe.” Atomsk said.

“Err… already doing that… he may just knock her and MANY other women out…” Emerald said when he sweatdrops when he looks at some notes showing that thanks to Emerald’s anger and Libido and Cedric’s anger and libido being rebounded and boosted over time thanks to what Cedric did, Cedric and Emerald were going on pseudo rape sprees with as many females as they could around them.

“Yeah… but doubt he’ll remember what he did since he acted like a beast.” Atomsk said.

“No kidding… given a note from TME that says that this should be a big option to consider… he suggests that we start out with Emerald and potentially Cedric waking AFTER they more or less TKO the various women they are with… enough said Onyx would be taking some Necromorphs to Emerald’s area and Squishy… Lillum’s main regenerator, would be handling Cedric with probably someone to speak for Squishy since… the guy doesn’t talk from what the notes say… enough said could be good comedy with Emerald and Izzy being the only ones going to the Valor if Izzy was able to recover first and stuff… would make it easier for you and TME, Atomsk so we would limit who goes to the Valor… BIG FYI moment… the Valor blows up or at least serious parts of it so the less people going to the Valor the better.” Emerald said while he went over the notes to make sure he didn’t miss anything as he stands near Atomsk.

“Yeah. I don’t want to be in there when that happens.” Atomsk said.

“Good… because you're not hehe… anyway given how TME gave me a channel on youtube for us to follow… SNH Survival Horror Network and the video is at the 5 hour mark with 27 minutes in in a nearly 8 hour video… this is when the Canon Issac goes to the Valor right after it crashes so we are nearing the end game baby!... granted some liberties will be used to not give a 1 to 1 end of the Dead space 1 game or the remake but we may have to heavily use that for the connection to Dead space 2 if you and TME ever decide to make a DSML 2.” Emerald said while he puts his phone away.

“Well… depends how we end this story. I’ll ask him that later… when he’s cooled down.” Atomsk said.

“Right… ready to get back to the story officially and hopefully make it so that we do more then just one chapter?” Emerald said while he looks serious.

“Oh yeah…” Atomsk said as he crack his knuckles.

“Good… when you get the SNH survival Horror Network video up for the DS remake, we can change the scene.” Emerald said while he waits to see if Atomsk would get the video.

“Oh I got it ready.” Atomsk said.

“Good… good.” Emerald said as he held up his hand.

“Good thing I was given one times per chapter to do this.” Emerald said when he snapped his fingers and the scene shifts to the Ishimura as hours had passed it seems…

Ishimura/ Comms array area (ruined)/ Emerald, Fido, Lillum, Leonel, Maite, Izzy

Currently the scene showed Emerald laying on the ground, now without his Marker fragment in his chest glowing, as he groans when he starts to come to…

“U-Ugh… what happened?” Emerald groans though…

“You going wild and pretty much f*cking many women into sex comas.” Emerald heard and when he looks over, he saw Onyx with various Necromorphs who were standing guard while Emerald looks confused… near Onyx though seems to be the Female Dragoon woman Cedric fought before she was knocked out and brought to Lillum’s Hive with details being made of the Dragoon woman since its been awhile… first she was a Dragoon woman with fleshy armor giving her a Dragonic look… mainly white flesh like armoring instead of Onyx’s black coloring… she had a well toned ass, C to D cup breasts and had a haircut similar to Azure’s haircut, she spoke in broken english if Emerald remembered right without a stutter and she had flawless white skin and black hair on her head…

“Sex comas?... last I remember was seeing the Valor about to crash into the Ishimura and…” Emerald said while he rubs his head as he sat up… he would have panicked but given how relaxed Onyx looked, seems many were OK if TKOed after what a wild Emerald did.

“Well to sum up, you were acting like a beast after the crash. Not just you, same thing happened to Cedric.” Onyx said.

“What!?” Emerald said as the White armored Dragoon woman moved to Emerald and rubs a finger on his chest.

“Marker fragment… Glow… same with… human ally… in Queen’s room… saw video… showing what happened… beforehand when… I woke… and joined…” The Dragoon woman said as Emerald looks at Onyx to get more info though he had a basic idea of what he got when he heard Lillum’s room having sliver fragments.

“Don’t worry. The ladies in question are okay. Of course Cedric went very wild with Azure.” Onyx said.

“Wait what?... is Azure OK?... she was just dominated by that Black Dragoon bastard.” Emerald said while Onyx looks amused as the White Dragoon woman speaks.

“She fine… video showed… woman taking male eagerly… more then others…” The White armored Dragoon woman said while Emerald blinks at this.

“Bottom line… she's okay. Though let’s hope the bastard didn’t twist her mind. She did sound a bit… hesitant when finding out that f*cker’s kid was gone. But hopefully she won’t feel that way no more.” Onyx said.

“Hopefully… I’ll trust Cedric to go all out then back then to dominate Azure right… ugh… man this was NOT how I wanted to have fun… can’t even remember things… anyone still awake?” Emerald asked while the white Dragoon woman points to the side.

“Dog and… Engineer woman… was talking to… woman and man…” The white armored Dragoon woman said as Onyx clarified things when Emerald saw Izzy eating some food she was given by a Necromorph while Fido was resting nearby with him resting.

“Long story short but detailed, Kendra and Hammond were able to get in touch with Izzy after she woke and and good news… there is an operational ship that many could use… bad news though… it needs a Singularity core and there is limited space on the ship… not everyone will be able to get off… thankfully there ships that are salvageable so some of the more tech savvy humans in Lillum’s hive with protection are working on making some ships but that will take time… mainly Izzy is planning on going to the Valor for the Singularity Core and many of us will stay here so that we can keep an eye on the knocked out ladies… some offered to go but Izzy said there was a risk that the Valor could blow so best if we don’t bring too many people with her.” Onyx said as Emerald looked thoughtful before he got up.

“Well no one can tell me to stay behind with that… Izzy may as well be one of my ladies and not going to let her fine ass be blown up in a bad way hehe.” Emerald said while he cracked his neck… he clenched his hands, moved his arms and checked his chest… no issues as far as he could tell.

“Well good to see your back to your senses.” Onyx said.

“Yeah well, I feel better… like a lot of stress left me… guess I was overloaded?” Emerald said when he remembered his Marker sliver glowing in his chest before this trouble started…

“Well I can tell you got that stress out… again and again… honestly if not for them having birth control or maybe not with Lillum… chances are you may have knocked up MANY women here.” Onyx said when she saw how swollen many wombs were from Lillum, Leonel, Maite, Izzy when she first woke and had to get cleaned out, and Emerald chuckles as he rubs the back of his head.

“Well… woops… well I’ll take responsibility for that… just wish I remembered letting out that much… I feel good though hehe.” Emerald said while he looks more amused than sorry in possibly knocking up many women in one go.

After a moment, Maite groans as she starts to wake up.

“O-Oh man.”

Emerald looks at Maite while he chuckles as he looks at her when she couldn’t sit up thanks to how full of cum she was.

“Hehe… hey Maite… sleep well?... I just woke before you ask.” Emerald said while he grins at Maite in a normal way.

Maite noticed Emerald.

“E-Emerald?… you back to normal?”

“Yeah… sorry for running wild like that.” Emerald said when he rubs the back of his head while he looks bad.

Maite blushes.

“I-It’s fine. At least you calmed down.”

“Yeah… anyway I’ll be talking with Izzy… she and I maybe going alone to the Valor… if you forgot the ship crashed into the Ishimura and well… we may have a way off the ship but… yeah… with how dangerous things are with the Valor practically risking blowing up… best if only a small few of us go there… so… Izzy and I… enough said I’ll be having Onyx and the others here guard everyone to make sure things go well in protecting you as you recover… I… doubt you could move much right now anyway.” Emerald said when he saw puddles of cum under Maite’s body from her folds and ass.

Maite blushes at the puddle.

“After what you did… I don’t think I can for now.”

“Yeah… anyway sorry about what happened… I’ll let you rest so try and relax… hehe… soon we will be leaving the Ishimura… may as well see if we can go on dates later hehe.” Emerald said while he grins at Maite in an eager way before he moved to approach Izzy who finished her meal as Emerald got some pants from a Necromorph worker who brought some over so Emerald could have some modesty.

Maite blushes when she hears that as Onyx looks amused.

“He seems chipper.”

Maite blushed more as Emerald got to Izzy.

“Hey Izzy!... you doing OK?” Emerald said, making Izzy jolt.

“E-Emerald… you startled me.” Izzy said.

“Yeah sorry, just woke, sorry about earlier… can’t remember what I did but it seems I went WAY overkill in what I did.” Emerald said while he looked a bit bad.

“I-It’s okay. Wasn’t your fault.” Izzy said.

“Thanks, sorry again… still given things I should tell you that you and I will be heading to the Valor only… mainly from how dangerous it could be and that the place may not be good for all Necromorphs.” Emerald said while he told Izzy it would be just her and him in the Valor unless they found Hammond there.

“I see… well hopefully we’ll find something useful there.” Izzy said.

“Hopefully… think you can walk?” Emerald asked since Izzy looks OK but didn’t know how Izzy felt right now.

“Yeah. I feel okay.” Izzy said.

“Alright… again sorry Izzy, I’ll make sure that you're well protected on the Valor though.” Emerald said while he smiles as he helped Izzy to her feet when he held a hand out for her to take.

Izzy blushes.

“Thanks Emerald.”

After Emerald helped Izzy up, many watched as the duo left and Izzy made sure her engineering RIG suit was back on fully and her armor gave her the green light for proper equip status and this allowed Izzy to be ready for the trip to the Valor as Emerald moved to wait for Izzy at the door leading towards the path to the Valor… given the damage the Ishimura took the hallway would be oxygen free… thankfully the room everyone was in was OK but Izzy and Emerald were fast in leaving the room so it could close and be full of oxygen… after the duo left Onxy looks at Maite.

“I’ll go watch over the others… once your recovered, go and clean yourself out and get ready to leave, enough said something tells me that whatever happens from here on out after those two get back, it may as well be end game.” Onyx said when she looks seriously at Maite as Onyx moved to watch over Lillum and Leonel.

Maite saw the look.

“Right.” She said before she went to get clean after making sure she was able to walk.

The scene then focused on Izzy and Emerald… the duo couldn’t talk, or Emerald couldn’t, as a reminder in his anger with Kendra, Hammond, and possibly Cedric earlier, he smashed his RIG so as he followed Izzy, best he had was magnetic boots on his feet that he equipped from his clothing when he found some surviving items after he went berserk on some ladies… this allowed him to walk in Zero-G he follows Izzy outside of the Ishimura and when she was about to use jets to fly to the Valor, Emerald had his arm morph to its tentacle mode and had one of them wrap around Izzy so she could fly him to the Valor.

“W-Whoa.” Izzy said.

Emerald gave a gesture for a sorry and waits for Izzy to jump in space so she could activate her RIG suits jet system… she had limited oxygen after all.

Izzy nods her head before she uses her RIG’S jet system.

Thankfully Izzy was able to fly to the Valor through space at a decent speed and as this happened, Emerald’s remaining tentacles moved to go by Izzy so they could push debris and wreckage from before Izzy so she could fly peacefully.

That’s when Izzy receives a com link.

“Hello… anyone read me?” This made Izzy’s eyes widened.


“Izzy?... I’m on board the Valor, everything trashed in it on pathways so you may have similar issues in getting through but I can make it to the bridge.” Hammond said as Izzy and Emerald were about to enter a side entrance.

“What was that?” Hammond said as an abnormal noise was heard before the comms turned off… Emerald couldn’t hear that without a RIG so he was confused when Izzy stops for a second near the door and Emerald pats her on the back with a tentacle to keep her moving since Izzy was on a time limit.

Izzy nods her head before the duo managed to reach the door to the Valor and got inside.

After the duo got inside and the oxygen returned so a timer was off the RIG for Izzy showing the Valor still had Oxygen to work with.

“OK… what happened out there Izzy?... you stopped after a moment.” Emerald said while he looks around the entrance area of the Valor and boy was things wrecked… there were paths sure but not not many were available… only one path forward more or less.

Izzy was quiet. “Well… my com link open and… I heard Hammond talking… he’s inside the Valor. He said he was going to the bridge till he heard something… and that was it.”

“I see… well he should be take care of himself, he did so this far and should do well in the Valor… not as big as the Ishimura… so we should run into Hammond sooner or later… for now lets focus on the Singularity core… I’ll follow your sexy backside so lead the way Miss guide.” Emerald said while he grins at Izzy.

Izzy blushes from that before she start leading Emerald through the Valor. Granted it was a bit difficult with the damage and plus some necromorph’s that got in the way.

Though while a normal Necromorph or two were seen… to the duo’s shock they saw some Necromorph grunts moving at EXTREMELY high speed.

“The hell!?” Emerald said as he got between the charging Necromorph and Izzy but thanks to the speed Emerald got sucker punched by one of the stingers… twice when it tried to rapidly claw at Emerald who countered with a growl as he used his tentacle arm to wrap a number of tentacles pinning the odd high speed Necromorph in place… Emerald couldn’t get a strong grip to rip limbs off but he did see that something was off on the Necromorph… it looked like a Stasis module malfunctioning?... giving the Necromorph high speed?

“Izzy!... hit us with a stasis module!... I’ll keep this guy steady so hit its limbs after!” Emerald said while he made sure he wouldn’t get sucker punched again.

Izzy was surprised but she uses the stasis module on the duo.

This had the duo glow with a bluish light and Emerald slowed greatly but his grip strength didn’t weaken… the Necromorph had its own speed boost hampered and then some so Izzy could take clear shots with her plasma cutter or any of her other weapons.

Izzy readies her weapon and with a slow breath, she fires at the Necromorph.

It took a few good shots to each limb but she was able to carefully, with an occasional refresh of Stasis on Emerald and the Necromorph, Izzy was able to slice each limb off and when the stasis effect ends fully, Emerald nearly fell back as the stingers were flung form him when he could move normal speed again as the Necromorph dropped dead.

“Whoa!... so that is what being hit with Stasis feels like.” Emerald said as he pats his body to make sure things were not out of place just in case… he was a Necromorph compared to being human after all.

“You okay Emerald?” Izzy said with concern.

“Yeah… was just feeling weird… could see things move faster then anything and saw your shots at high speed before the effect ended… felt like I was going in slow motion.” Emerald said while he looks amused at the end.

“Right… but still that Necromorph was fast.” Izzy said.

“No kidding…” Emerald said though Hammon’s voice was heard over the RIG’s communication to Izzy’s RIG.

“Izzy the Soldier’s must’ve had stasis suits on their armor… when they were turned… those units merged right into their bodies… changed them… they are fast Izzy.” Hammond said before his voice was cut off as Emerald sighs.

“High speed Necromorphs now…” Emerald said when he didn’t sound shocked given all that happened to them… probably dulled his sense of shock with things happening again and again.

“Damn… we’re now gonna have to deal with every high speed Necromorph. We can either kill them… or you can try to boss them.” Izzy said.

“Something tells me they may not listen with how fast they are… if you looked high speed to me… hehe… bit if a kinky idea later if we need a break… something tells me these guys will be too fast to even listen to things if they are stuck in high speed nitro mode…” Emerald said though he did grin teasingly at Izzy with the kinky idea in mind later.

Izzy blushes brightly.

“L-Let’s go find the core… and possibly Hammond… he has some explaining to do on the disappearance.”

Emerald chuckles as he follows Izzy while he follows her though he did have a thought when he could sense Necromorphs here and there in the ship… weird he never had that ability before… or maybe he did and was not used to intruders… either way… this would be handy as he walked with Izzy… though he did wonder what she was thinking since they haven’t found Nicole yet.

“God… all this mess and still no sign of Nicole. Either she’s good at hiding or… no can’t think of the worse… wonder if I can try calling her.” Izzy thought.

Though as Emerald follows Izzy… he saw her try and call Nicole… nothing but static was coming up on Izzy’s end while Emerald watched as Izzy slowed down a bit…

“Hey Izzy… I can guess who your trying to call… but try and keep a good mindset… if Nicole is as tough as you-!” Emerald tried to say… but he was surprised when Izzy actually tried to swing her plasma cutter at Emerald and Emerald jumped back when Izzy’s helmet fell away to show a VERY angry look on her face.

“Izzy?!… what the hell?!” Emerald said.

“Keep a good mindset?... if Nicole is as tough as me!?... Emerald do you see what is going on here!?... what you experienced!?... if seasoned veteran fighters can’t deal with these Necromorphs… if YOU couldn’t take them on as a human… if Maite and Azure couldn’t fight back against that black Dragoon bastard… if Cedric can’t defend others like he was hired to… what makes you think a Medical worker like Nicole could do against monsters like these!?” Izzy said while Emerald blinks and he tried to calm Izzy down.

“Izzy… relax… I get it… your mad… but this isn’t helping… say you’re right… Nicole is harmed or worse… she could be like me or Lillum or someone else turned… that is a BAD scenario though… IF she is alive… IF she is still on the Ishimura hiding and most likely wondering what the hell crashed into the ship… do you think you panicking and trying to attack me would do any good?... if you want I’ll shut up… but know I had it just as bad if not worse then you on the Ishimura for a NUMBER of reasons… your still alive, you still have a chance to find Nicole alive… me… there is no going back from being what I am no… being human… its no longer an option to me… what scares me most is not whats on the Ishimura… its what OFF it… Unitologists like that doctor bastard could try and make me a deity and turn things to horrible levels… soldiers and doctors will WANT to try and cut me open and worse… and who knows what else kind of sick things to those who get off this ship… don’t get me wrong Izzy… its OK to vent, get angry, and more… but try and not lose your cool when the ONLY help you got IS me… if just one of those Necromorphs try and attack you and you miss as stasis shot… death would be the least of your worries… if they are anything like whats on the Ishimura… if not… we both know that death is not where the real pain ends… least with Necromorphs if they cause the death.” Emerald said with a serious look to remind Izzy that getting upset was OK… but there was a time and place for it and right now on the Valor… it was one of the worst places right now.

Izzy took a bit to calm down.

“Sorry Emerald.”

Emerald rubs the back of his head.

“No… I’m sorry… honestly if I was stronger we would have had a better time… we got split up and thrown into a horror movie come to life and we haven’t seen hide nor hair of Nicole… honestly I am not shocked you snapped at me…” Emerald said while he looks genuinely guilty.

“Still, you were trying to help me and I shouldn’t have snapped at you.” Izzy said while feeling guilty.

Things were awkward for a moment, Emerald rubs the back of his head and tried to help by saying this.

“Look… once we are over this Singularity Core issue, how about you and I try and look for Nicole as Rick works on the Ship that Hammond mentioned?... should give time to try and find Nicole or… well…” Emerald said since he didn’t want to say Nicole could be dead but Izzy would need some kind of closure if Nicole was alive or not so…

Izzy was quiet before she approaches Emerald and hugs him tightly.

Emerald blinks at that but he used his human arm to rub Izzy’s back… he could feel her shaking but she was calming down so that was a good thing.

After a bit, Izzy lets go.

“After the Core, we find Nicole.” Izzy said.

Emerald nods and smiles at Izzy.

“Nice… hate to see one of my ladies upset hehe… would rather they have faces that would be best for the bedroom.” Emerald said before he chuckles as he walked by Izzy to take the lead… though he did smack her ass lightly to mess with her a bit.

Izzy groans from that smack before she follows Emerald before leading him again.

This went on for a bit as the duo continue on to try and locate Hammond or the Singularity Core, well… when Emerald got something… well… he surprised Izzy when he crushed a datapad in his hand when she jolts and could see his eyes glowing red from heightened emotions.

“E-Emerald?” Izzy said.

“Looks like these guys were NOT going to be friendly to anyone on the Ishimura… got a datapad that mentioned something called Marker 3A… meaning possibly more then one Marker… and that if there was an infection… Protocol Eurydice… if not… Protocol Apollo… don’t need to be a soldier to know that given what WE saw… we both know what they would have done if they were more then just a rescue crew.” Emerald said while he narrows his eyes.

Izzy’s eyes widened.

“Oh my God.”

“No kidding… come on… looks like if we did find any living people… would be most likely dead soon if they killed themselves instead of getting turned.” Emerald said before he walked by Izzy while he threw the ruined datapad on the ground.

Izzy followed Emerald and after getting to an elevator, Izzy’s com was activated only it wasn’t Hammon this time.

“Hello… is this Mrs. Clarke?” Said a man.

“Uh… who are you?” Izzy said.

“I’m Dr. Kyne. Ishimura’s chief science officer.” Dr. Kyne said.

“And what does a science officer want with Izzy?... right now we’re trying to get the Singularity core from the Valor to power a ship that could get some of us off here.” Emerald said while he had crossed arms and looks over Izzy’s shoulder surprising Dr. Kyne immensely when he saw Emerald’s arm and the state his body was in.

“What in the world are… No time. You both must listen… I had studied the Marker under the Church’s order.” Kyne said though Izzy frowns.

“I’m not talking to no Unitologist.” She said.

“Yeah… last Unitologist more or less sicked Necromorphs on us and buddy I trust scientists less and less thanks to you guys…” Emerald said while he shakes his head.

“I apologize but I’m not like the scientists you met. Regardless… the planet won’t rest till the Marker is back to where it belongs. You both can’t leave.” Kyne pleaded.

“Watch us.” Izzy said before she terminated the link.

“Asshole. He thinks we’ll listen?”

“Maybe, maybe not… won’t matter much if we can’t get the Singularity Core so lets get this thing and hopefully get as far from this place as possible after doing a good once over for Nicole.” Emerald said while he looks determined now after the elevator stops to open for the duo.

Izzy nodded before they entered what appears to be the torpedo bay.

“Well… this looks welcoming.” Emerald said when he could picture the Valor blasting a hole in the hull if the Ishimura got the Eurydice treatment.

“The church… they wanted no survivors if they got the Marker.” Izzy said.

“Maybe… would be counter productive if they killed a guy like me so probably had protocols if Kings and Queens were around… I mean why kill the ranked species that can pretty much TAME Necromorphs… probably so rare though its a thing not many know.” Emerald said as he shrugs his arms.

“Still room looks peaceful enoug-!” Emerald tried to say though he got a half lidded look when…

“Caution… Radiation Hazard… caution… Warhead unstable… Contain all explosive materials…” The Valor’s computer said over a speaker.

“You have GOT to be kidding me…” Emerald said when things were peaceful… and he jinxed things…

Izzy sweatdrops.

“Let’s just hurry and go.”

“Wait… lets make sure this thing doesn’t go off… won’t be good if we blast the Valor in half while we are still in it… you see anything that can stop this thing from making the biggest explosion in the galaxy?” Emerald said while he looks around… he wasn’t an engineer by any means so he was clueless.

“Right.” Izzy said before she starts shooting one pillar that had an electrical box around the torpedo.

“Oh… well I could have done that.” Emerald said before he watched Izzy though Emerald saw some Necromorphs with explosive bits on them appear.

“Oh no you don’t!” Emerald growls as he used his tentacle arm to slice the Necromorph to pieces and he looks at Izzy.

“I’ll handle these guys… you focus on making sure these dumbasses don’t blow us all sky high.” Emerald said before he reformed his Brute arm and smashed a Necromorph into pieces that rushed him at high speed so Emerald figured brute force would beat raw speed from a couple of Stasis altered Necromorphs coming in.

Izzy nodded before she kept shooting the electrical boxes before seeing the huge battery on the floor and tries to hook it back to the wall behind her.

This allowed Izzy to access a control panel for the Warhead and after Izzy used it… the Warhead was lowered and ejected safely from the Valor which relieved Emerald and Izzy, especially when Emerald could relax when the Necromorphs stopped showing for now.

That’s when Izzy’s com link was on before the duo hear Hammond’s voice.

“Okay… The warhead is clear.”

“Hey Hammond… you may want to make triple sure that this Valor is on the up and up… if you can hear me through Izzy’s RIG… I found some kind of Datapad with well… data on what the Valor should do if the Ishimura found a Marker… one that had a 3A on it… meaning that there maybe more then one… enough said I doubt this place was at all for helping the Ishimura.” Emerald said while he stands next to Izzy.

“Well I’m downloading a munition’s report right. I’ll clear you both a route. Just grab that singularity core.” Hammond said.

“Fair enough… just know that this Ishimura trip may as well be the least of our worries if we have to deal with humans and crazed Unitologists… oh and Hammond if you can hear me… can you look into this Dr. Kyne?... he seems to be a scientist for the Ishimura… said things to Izzy about the Marker needing to go back to the planet or something.” Emerald said before he walked ahead of Izzy when he saw the guiding becon leading the way.

Izzy could still hear Hammond.

“I’ll see what I can find. Good luck you two.”

Emerald then growls when he rubs his face.

“f*ck… after this I need to get laid badly… in a memory remembering way as well… lets get going Izzy and sooner we do this… sooner we can relax… hehe… may as well make sure you get one hell of a relaxation in a nice bed later.” Emerald said before he grins at Izzy when he promised to more or less make her a f*cked up mess with Emerald conciously doing things next time.

Izzy blushes brightly after hearing that before following Emerald but considering things… she won’t mind.

Though as the duo got a bit more into the Ishimura… they managed to get through a number of areas… but Hammond said a few worrisome things on the way… like him hearing one of the unnamed guards who died right before the group got split on the Ishimura and well… more with the Valor being ready for war…

“f*ck… they knew about this. Someone knew about the Ishimura.” Izzy said.

“So… no matter what we were dead the moment we step onto the Ishimura huh?... lets prove some people wrong Izzy.” Emerald said when he looked ready to bust heads now of any one he may run into here then feel sorry for them.” Emerald said while he looks irritated.

Izzy narrows her eyes as she readies her weapon.


After the duo got by a few rooms… one of them having a wild operating table that was stasised to get by and by a room with flames thanks to the Valor breaking many pipes open… the duo came up to a long corridor which screamed engine room… though as the duo got close… a glass like shield lowered when a biohazard warning was heard… Hammond was on the other side of the glass.

“f*ck!... the Ishimura’s in the red and now this… seriously.” Hammond said while he saw Emerald and Izzy on the other side… though a couple things were different then in Canon… first this seemed to be using some of the Remake timeline… and even though Hammond died there like in the original game… well… in this case… seems the Brute would be used when it seemd to bust through the ceiling through a weak floor above the engine room… this shocked Izzy when the Brute… somewhat dazed… got up on Hammonds side…

“Oh… sh*t.” Hammond said when he has such small room to fight and even though the Singularity Core damaged the Brute slightly… it wasn’t enough as it got up… though unlike in canon…

“Izzy… move aside.” Emerald growls when he wouldn’t let Hammond die… not while he could try something as he brought out his Brute arm again and when Izzy moved away… Emerald roars as Hammond seeing this dived to the side as the Brute nearly got to Hammond and well…

Emerald smashed not just through the wall blocking him and Izzy from getting to Hammond… the Brute was hit by Emerald’s fist right to the live Singularity Core which destroyed the Brute with the energy alone… enough said the energy fades around the core bringing it around to stable levels and Emerald and Izzy entered and got near Hammond while Emerald, possibly for a second time near Hammond, showed how different he was now as a Necromorph king then a simple human private.

“Well that was damn close… glad we made it otherwise you would be a Hammond Sandwich if that guy smashed you to the ground.” Emerald said before he looks at Hammond with an amused look as he moved to help Hammond up while Izzy went to get the Singularity Core while things were safe for now to do so. (A/N: Thats right people!... Hammond is alive compared to canon… how many DSML stories can he last?... only one way to find out!... so read on!)

As Izzy got the Singularity Core while taking a minute to fiddle with it…

Alarm bells start ringing.

“Crap! Not good!” Izzy said.

“Singularity core removed… Re-routing power.” The Valor’s computer said and after that… the place started to rumble as Emerald looks at Hammond as Izzy puts the Singularity core in her inventory.

“Can get over the shock of actually living later… for now… RUN LIKE YOU NEVER RAN BEFORE!” Emerald yelled at the end before he bolts ahead of the duo with his arm morphing into the clawed tentacle arm to take care of any threats ahead of him… subtle actions be damned.

“Hey!” Izzy said before she went after Emerald as did Hammond.

“Fly you fool!” Emerald said as he used his tentacle arm to high speed slice and dice some Necromorphs running his way as Hammond and Izzy gave chase… given the many explosion sounds happening…

Izzy and Hammond’s comms came to life with audio only as Maite talked with Izzy while Cedric FINALLY got in contact with Hammond on his end.

Thank goodness Izzy.” Maite said.

“Hammond… you got some explaining to do.” Cedric said.

“NO TIME HAMMOND AND I HAVE TO RUN THE VALOR IS ABOUT TO BLOW UP AND WE ARE CHASING EMERALD THROUGH THE HALLS WHILE HE KILLS NECROMORPHS!” Izzy said while she ran faster as Emerald opened the elevator so the trio could get on.

Hammnond managed to get inside the elevator before it closes.

As this happened on many ends…

“WHAT!?” Cedric/people around him said while Maite and people getting from the Valor area said as Hammond speaks to everyone as the elevator rapidly raises.

“No matter what, get everyone as FAR from the Valor as possible!... either things will just explode lightly and the Valor won’t be accessible anymore or half the Ishimura may as well be blown in half!” Hammond called while he warned people to prep for the worst.

Cedric would say something but now…

“You heard him everyone… we need to move!”

As many around Cedric work to move the HIVE and more to safer areas…

“You heard the man!... get as many of us as far from the Valor as possible… that thing blows forget small explosion!... we could be blasted by the heat and killed instantly!” Onyx said when she ordered many to move as Maite worked to carry Lillum in her arms though Maite blushed when Lillum’s breasts though plump hits her helmet again and again.

“H-Hehe… sorry… legs still sore.” Lillum said when she and Leonel got the brunt of what Emerald did so them being sore was a given.

“I-I’ll worry later.” Maite said as she carries Lillum while running.

Back on the Valor…

“Well Hammond!... Izzy!... if anything goes bad!... I just want to say that Izzy… I’m glad you helped make me into a man before I died!... and Hammond… well… it was nice knowing you!” Emerald said when more explosions happened as the trio ran through the Valor.

“Likewise… sorry for dragging you guys here.” Hammond said.

“Lets say sorry later AFTER we get out of here alive!” Izzy yelled when she ran faster and the trio managed to see the airlock Emerald and Izzy came into.

“Over there!” Emerald called and though the trio got there… the group were knocked around as the door opened to space but the trio were nearly knocked off balance when the ship rumbles and the group had to jump for their lives while an explosion blasts them out of the Valor BARELY missing them by mear inches… hell Emerald was pretty sure that the back of his pants were missing from how hot his ass was in a litteral sense… thankfully the explosion knocked the trio near the comms antenna and with quick grabbing from Izzy and Hammond and Emerald narrowly missing a trip through space with his tentacle arm… the trio was back on the Ishimura in Zero-G… thankfully with Oxygen as Kendra’s voice was heard over comms.

“Hello!… Can anyone read me?!”

“K-Kendra?” Hammond said.

Izzy though speaks while Hammond recovers and this time she had comms open to ALL who could talk.

“Everyone!... were back on the Ishimura, the Valor blew up but it seems like no real damage was done from that… f*ck that was close.” Izzy said while Emerald on his end…

“Speak for yourself!... Oh my ass!” Emerald cried out as he kicked his legs while he rubs his ass cheeks which looked abnormally red… he would need new pants soon…

Izzy sweatdrops.

“Okay despite some burning.”

“Well despite the… burning… glad to have you three back… just to check to confirm things… do you have the Singularity Core?... and how intact is it?” Cedric asked on his end of the coms.

“Well… it’s covered in blood… but it’s in one piece.” Izzy said.

“Well… that’s still good.” Kendra said.

“Yeah… but something tells me things are not fully good are they huh Kendra.” Hammond said when he recovered and got up to stand near Izzy.

Kendra would say something till she saw something.

“Wait… someone has opened a door to the Bridge Atrium.”

“Huh?” Emerald said when he heard that from a speaker in Izzy’s suit.

“Wait… don’t we need someone with clearance to get there?” Emerald said while he looks confused… thankfully the regenerator Core helped him recover from his burns so he was now 100% OK… minus some pants in the back which he would fix later.

I don’t know but… least It’ll get you guys to the Crew Deck… wonder who can even access the place…” Kendra said before the com was off.

Izzy though was quiet before looking at Emerald.

“Say Emerald, earlier in the Valor… that Dr. Kyne called us… you don’t think it could be him… right?”

“Dr. Kyne?” Hammond said.

“Can fill you in on the way… for now follow Izzy… from now on let's stick together and not go solo if we can…” Emerald said when he was ready to end things and looked at Hammond to see if he wanted to join or not.

“After everything… I’m sticking with you two.” Hammond said.

“Alright… Izzy lead the way… Hammon and I will back you so you focus on guiding us… Hammond and I will kick ass because something tells me that this isn’t the last of those Statis malfunctioning armored Necromorphs we ran into.” Emerald said though…

“Stasis malfunctioning armored Necromorphs?” Maite and Cedric said since things were open coms wise to them still…

“Long story but…” Emerald said when he filled everyone in on everything when he spoke over Izzy’s shoulder.

“... so yeah… the Valor was DEFINITELY not here to help us… moment they saw Necromorph activity… boom with a nuke.” Emerald said while he crossed his arms after he looks at the holographic monitor near Izzy.

“Those mother f*ckers! They used us. They wanted to see how bad the Ishimura is…The second I get back to base… I’m gonna make some heads roll for endangering my unit.” Cedric said with anger.

“Easy there Soldier… even IF we were sent here with things going FUBAR like they most likely expected… you go wild back at whatever base you were from, it would just make you wanted on sight.” Hammond said as Azure’s voice came over the coms.

“He’s right Cedric… you pull a rash move and next thing we know, you and many more will be in trouble… for now we should work one step at a time and get off the Ishimura first and foremost.” Azure said when she reasons with Cedric to help him keep calm on his end.

Cedric did calm down after hearing that.

“Hey Azure. Nice to hear from you… how are you feeling?” Izzy said.

“Lot better since you guys helped me from that Dragoon bastard… granted when I woke had to help Lydia, Lavender, and other women coming to check on me when Cedric was going on a f*ck spree for some reason…” Azure said making Lillum’s voice being heard since she was being carried by Maite.

“C-Cedy… did you go peeking and find what I have hidden in my wall?” Lillum said when she sounds a bit irritated.

Cedric jolts.

“Well… in my defense… I saw a glow in the wall and… sorry.”

“Well… in my defense… could have shielded it better but when you see things glowing in a potentially ominous way… try and not go peeking… for all you know you could have found something that could have made you go sterile or something if you didn’t go insane or mutate.” Lillum said when she could practically see Cedric paling on his end even with the way the coloring of the hologram monitor was mostly various shades of blues.

“C-Crystal… sorry again.” Cedric said as Azure went to pat him on the back in comfort.

“Good… for now Izzy, Hammond, and I will head to the Bridge Atrium… may as well see whats going on there on the crew deck… hopefully the round two of Izzy, myself, and with Hammond instead of Maite will have a ship not blow in our faces…” Emerald said while he shakes his head from the memory.

“Yeah… but let’s not jinx things Emerald.” Izzy said.

“Sorry… while we're on the way though… if we run by a shop think I can squeeze in one?... I feel a breeze where I don’t want it to be.” Emerald said when he felt cold while comically the cold air made his now exposed ass freeze a little… not making it blue persay but still reminded Emerald he needed freaking pants.

Hammond cringes.

“Yeah… let’s see if we can find a shop quickly.”

“I’ll let you follow Izzy then while I take the rear…” Emerald said when he gestured for Izzy to start walking.

“Right.” The duo said before they start walking.

Emerald took the rear while he used his Dragoon Arm to keep things ready just in case… After some travel with few uneventful events and going up an elevator… the trio go to a tram area but had to traven under it a bit to get by some wreckage… in no time… the group got to a tram system which was activating as Kendra spoke up but her voice and image looked hard to see like her signal was iffy here.

“H-Hello… Izzy? Hammond?… I’m losing you guys. Something on the crew deck is… interfering with the signal.” Kendra said.

“Well we can already tell what that something is.” Izzy said.

“No kidding… chances are its one of those Unitologist scientists that are alive or maybe something else is messing with things…” Emerald said while he looks serious when he could feel his Marker fragment throb a few times.

“If the Marker is active… sh*t… the crew deck is on lockdown but the deck supervisor would have the override key.” Kendra said making Izzy facepalm.

“Now I’m getting your pattern, Emerald.”

“Well I don’t mean to give this pattern… Kendra before you break up, where is the override key?” Emerald said to Kendra when he looks at the Hologram image.

“Last location I see is… at the gym. How long will it take to install the Singularity Core to the shuttle?” Kendra said.

“As long as no one tries to f*ck with us… shouldn’t be long.” Izzy said when she, Hammond, and Emerald followed a guide from the Tram that showed so it could be used later and well…

“Oh for f*cks sake!” Emerald said when he saw many dead scientists leaning against various walls and various scribbles of the Marker were pretty much painted on various walls while candle light was one of the main sources of light making the eerie factor rise.

“Okay… it’s like someone was doing a ritual.” Izzy said.

“Well either way… I’m getting a new outfit so Izzy… I’ll have to pay you back later like I’ll have to do with Maite but…” Emerald said when he saw a shop and since he didn’t have a RIG right now… couldn’t do much with funds.

“Try and not destroy the next one in your anger OK?” Izzy said when she remembered Emerald totalling his last one on his own.

“R-Right… sorry.” Emerald said while rubbing his head bashfully before he and Izzy left Hammond to guard the duo for a moment as Emerald was in a new RIG suit now… though he was missing the cover for his left arm for obvious reasons when the inhuman arm couldn’t be contained, the rest of the RIG suit was ableto work with this and with some work with Izzy, the warnings in Emerald’s helmet were disabled for now until a better alternative could be found for Emerald’s left arm… when off the Ishimura hopefully.

“OK… back in my private RIG getup… be honest does it make my ass look big?” Emerald said when he posed a bit before Izzy to hopefully make her giggle or something with how ridiculous Emerald sounded.

Hammond raised an eyebrow when he heard that but of course Izzy went ahead and giggles a little.

“Hehe there is the giggle… got to laugh a bit in this hellhole otherwise some would go mad… I maybe too late given I remember how I used to act as a human till now so…” Emerald said before he gave a so-so gesture but gestured for Izzy to lead the way with the guiding beacon again as Emerald got in his human hand a plasma cutter he got for cheap from the store with some ammo.

“You’re still you, Emerald.” Izzy said before she starts leading both males.

This had the trio go through various places through some hallways… hell there was a jumpscare when a shower set turned on in a shower room and this had the group continue on… though after a quick pitstop to a mini-game of some kind with Emerald cheating with him with Izzy with him using some combo of tentacle use and various Kenesis moves to get balls through colored holes and Emerald, Izzy, and Hammond walked away with a lot of prizes like cash for shops and stuff as Izzy used Kenesis to carry a battery in the room out as Emerald and Hammond gathered the items like ammo for weapons and credits.

“Hehe that was fun… took a moment but ehh… prizes are worth it… though why so many ammo types?” Emerald said as Hammond looks at him.

“To be fair, most of these were not made for weapons use aside a small few so pretty sure these had less then lethal intentions.” Hammond said as Emerald hums as he and Hammond joined Izzy on the elevator going up from the Zero-G ball game.

“Well… it was still fun.” Izzy said as the trio were up a level.

After checking the corpses on a higher level, Izzy finds the key.

“Got it.”

“Alright… lets head to the Evac shuttle and get it ready for some people… may not get everyone off this ship but with how things are going, could find a few good salvageable Singularity Cores in other ships and patch up damaged ships to get more people off the Ishimura… given the Valor gave it a punctured lung… doubt the ship can last much longer with so much stuff happening to it.” Emerald said while he rubs his chin… though he did activate his coms so he could speak with others as they walk.

“Hey everyone!... if you can hear me, those with guiding beacons try and find the Evac shuttle marked… we may not be able to fit everyone on the ship but if one ship was good enough to be repaired, there could be others.” Emerald said while he had a serious tone to his voice.

That’s when Cedric’s and Maite’s coms were active.

“Good to hear from you Emerald.” Maite said.

“Yeah… loud and clear.” Cedric said.

“Nice to speak to you Maite hehe… anyway… Cedric, Azure, Lillum, Leonel, Rick if you're listening in, I want you guys to bring some people to the escape shuttle… let's not kid ourselves not everyone on the Ishimura can get off the ship if there is literally only ONE working ship… some may have to stay behind… enough said something tells me that before we can get off the Ishimura we have one more thing to do… well besides Izzy and I going over the Ishimura one more time so try and make sure that if you have anything left todo… NOW is a good time to do it…” Emerald said when he gave the signal for the final call for leftover business to be done with before they head to the escape shuttle.

“Hey no sweat it, Emerald. Though I hope I don’t get left behind hehe.” Rick chuckled making some shake their heads though while Cedric was with his group he had a thought.

‘No… if we need to make sure any survivors leave… I would stay behind.’

“But what if we don’t have enough room on the ship?... would one of us have to stay behind?” Leonel said while Emerald rubs his head.

“Well depends… for now lets work on getting things finished and head to the escape shuttle… once Izzy and I get the Singularity Core there, we will come back to the Ishimura one more time to try and look for Nicole… if we can’t find her… well…” Emerald starts to say before he fell silent as he didn’t want to finish that since Izzy came here for Nicole herself.

Izzy knew what Emerald was trying to do.

“Let’s help the others first.”

“Maybe… given the distance lets get the Escape ship working and after that we decide what to do after… one step at a time.” Emerald said while he walked next to Izzy and held her hand gently with his human hand.

Izzy blushes from that before taking Emerald’s hand as Hammond saw this.

‘Not sure what will happen if they did find Nicole but… hopefully she’ll be the sharing type.’ He thought.

Thankfully, the trio, with some Necromorph killing, had gotten to take out some Necromorphs on the way back safely,

Though as they followed some guiding beacons… the trio, after following a beacon that showed up which led to Dr. Mercer’s office well… the trio were surprised when they start to hear things after getting off the elevator.

“I build your sh*t. It didn’t work. You’re not gonna hurt anyone else!”

This had the trio see a man fire some kind of gun of some kind at Dr. Mercer of all people and the Doctor fired some kind of stasis field at the man and well… Emerald, Izzy, and Hammond saw Dr. Mercer slowly aim his gun, a large nail gun looking item at the man.

“Well. Mr. Temple, I’d say your usefulness as run out.” Dr. Mercer said when he was ready to fire his gun.

“Mercer!” Izzy said which made Mercer stop and sees the trio.

“I see you made it.”

“Yeah well harder to kill then you would think… honestly its like the good guys have plot armor and guys like you have injured shoulders.” Emerald said while he looks amused but he kept talking mainly to see if this guy being stasised could get out of the Stasis effect anytime soon.

“Injured or not… I’m still denied convergence… thanks to this ingrate.” Mercer said as he was about to shoot Temple.

“Wait!… I want to understand. What is this… convergence?” Izzy said.

Mercer lowers his weapon.

“But you already know. Dead or Alive… we all feel the Marker’s true purpose.” He said as he got close.

“Don’t you all want to be reunited with the people you lost?”

This… had Izzy look thoughtful under her helmet when Nicole flashed in her mind.

“I…” Izzy starts to say while Emerald and Hammond look surprised Izzy was actually thinking on this.

“Yes… why not help me? Mr. Temple refused but… we’re so close. Everything that has happened on the Ishimura is just the beginning.” Mercer said.

“Well… when you put it that way…” Izzy said before getting serious.

“You and the Marker… can go to hell.”

“Really?....” Mercer said as he moved behind Temple and well…

“Shame…” Mercer said as he fired his nailgun and well… Temple’s head was shot and in slow motion Temple died as Izzy, Hammond, and Emerald looks angered.

“You think you’ll get away with that!?... seriously I became a King of the Necromorphs or at least one of them so I’m higher on the food chain then most but even I don’t know of this convergence… think I would let you live in one piece to see it happen alive or dead!?” Emerald growls while his visor glows red with his anger.

“Matters not… your death will come sooner.” Mercer said before leaving in the shadows.

“Can see why you two despise him… even I want to put a bullet through his skull.” Hammond said though before the others could say anything… a Hunter, one of Mercer’s work most likely busts into the room and Emerald had his tentacle arm at the ready… he sliced the limbs off but it was slowly gurgling and regenerating as Emerald looks at Hammond and Izzy.

“You two head on ahead… I’ll keep this f*cker busy.” Emerald said while his helmet collapsed to show his angered look on his face while he gave Hammond and Izzy a chance to run from an unkillable juggernaut.

“Alright. Let’s go Izzy.” Hammond said.

Izzy looks hesitant though Emerald looks at her and grins.

“Hehe… hey don’t worry… its me we're talking about… I’m harder to take out then a main character in a horror movie now with a regenerator core that I ate awhile ago remember?... trust me… I may put red flags up but I’m pretty sure I’m harder to kill than even this guy so make sure to run and keep your sexy ass ready for me when I try and catch up… hehe… if we find Nicole… may as well charm her so I can have two sexy ladies quivering for me later.” Emerald said as he cracked his neck as he looks at the Hunter which fully regenerated and BOY he looked pissed.

Izzy blushes.

“J-Just be careful.” She said before she and Hammond wish Emerald luck.

This had the two run ahead while they take down some tendrils blocking the marker more or less… the plan initially was to make it so that the escape ship was first on the list of things… but since they were here and they had to get by to get TO the escape ship… well as they work to free the marker so it could be moved… Emerald looks at the Hunter as he reformed his arm to the Dragoon arm.

“Well f*cker… ready to fight!” Emerald said with a red mist emitting from him as his eyes glow red while he stared down the Hunter.

The red Hunter roars before he charges at Emerald.

Emerald roars as he charged the red Hunter and as this happens… the scene fades to black as Izzy and Hammond work on their end as Emerald had his own fight when unstoppable forces were about to collide.

Dead Space Monster Lust 1 - Chapter 16 - Atomsk_the_Pirate_King, Twilight_Master_Emerald (2024)


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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.