15 Types Of Monkeys That Exist - Species On Earth (2024)

Monkeys, members of the primate order, are an incredibly diverse and fascinating group of animals. With approximately 260 known species, monkeys inhabit various regions across the globe, showcasing an array of adaptations and behaviors. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of monkeys, exploring 15 types of monkeys and shedding light on their unique characteristics.

1. Capuchin Monkeys

One among the types of monkeys are capuchin monkeys and are known for their distinctive appearance, featuring a cap-like crown of hair on their heads. Native to Central and South America, capuchins are highly intelligent and are often recognized for their tool-using abilities. These small to medium-sized monkeys exhibit a wide range of social behaviors and are known to be both arboreal and terrestrial.

Capuchin monkeys, members of the Cebidae family, are small and intelligent primates known for their distinctive appearance and remarkable behaviors. Native to Central and South America, these monkeys are easily recognizable by their tuft of hair on the crown of their heads, resembling a monk’s cowl, which gives them their name.

Capuchins are highly social animals, living in groups called troops, typically consisting of 10 to 35 individuals. Within these troops, a complex social structure prevails, with dominant individuals and intricate communication through vocalizations, facial expressions, and body language. They showcase exceptional problem-solving skills and tool use, often employing sticks, rocks, or even leaves to extract insects, crack nuts, or obtain other food sources.

Dietarily, Capuchins are omnivores, consuming a variety of fruits, insects, small mammals, and even bird eggs. Their adaptability allows them to inhabit diverse environments, from tropical rainforests to dry forests.

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Image Courtesy: https://worldanimalfoundation.org/advocate/wild-animals/params/post/1288402/capuchins

Capuchin monkeys have gained attention in scientific research due to their cognitive abilities, participating in studies that explore aspects of memory, learning, and social behavior. Unfortunately, they also face threats from habitat loss, deforestation, and the exotic pet trade, emphasizing the need for conservation efforts to ensure their survival in the wild.

2. Howler Monkeys

Named for their vocalizations that can be heard over long distances, howler monkeys is among types of monkeys that are the loudest land animals. Native to Central and South America, they possess a specialized hyoid bone in their throat that aids in producing their distinctive calls. Howlers are primarily folivorous, with a diet consisting mainly of leaves.

Howler monkeys, belonging to the Atelidae family, are among the largest and most distinctive New World monkeys known for their unique vocalizations. Found in the dense forests of Central and South America, these primates are arboreal, spending most of their lives in the treetops. Howler monkeys are recognized by their prehensile tails, which are strong and capable of grasping branches with ease.

One of the most remarkable features of howler monkeys is their enlarged hyoid bone and vocal anatomy, enabling them to produce loud and resonant calls that can be heard for several kilometers. These distinctive calls serve various purposes, including communication within the troop, establishing territory boundaries, and attracting mates. The deep, guttural howls are so powerful that they often give the impression of a much larger animal residing in the dense foliage.

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Image Courtesy: https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/facts/howler-monkey

Howlers are generally folivorous, preferring a diet of leaves, supplemented by fruits and occasional insects. They live in social groups, known as troops, led by an alpha male. Female howler monkeys typically give birth to a single offspring after a gestation period of around six months.

Despite their formidable vocalizations, howler monkeys are generally docile and spend much of their time resting and foraging. Conservation efforts are crucial to ensuring their survival, as habitat loss and human activities pose threats to these fascinating creatures and their unique ecosystems.

3. Spider Monkeys

Spider monkeys are recognized for their long, slender limbs and prehensile tails, which act as an extra limb for grasping branches. Native to Central and South America, these arboreal primates are highly adapted for a life spent swinging through the treetops.

Spider monkeys, belonging to the Atelidae family, are captivating primates found in the rainforests of Central and South America. Known for their distinctive appearance and behavior, these agile creatures exhibit a prehensile tail that acts like an extra limb, aiding them in swinging effortlessly between trees. Their long, slender limbs and tail give them a spider-like appearance, hence the name “spider monkey.”

These highly social animals live in large groups called troops, which can consist of up to 30 individuals. Within these communities, spider monkeys engage in complex social interactions, fostering strong bonds and cooperation. Their communication involves a variety of vocalizations and expressive facial gestures.

Spider monkeys are primarily frugivorous, with fruits forming a significant part of their diet. They also consume leaves, nuts, and insects. Due to their reliance on fruits, they play a crucial role in seed dispersal, contributing to the health of their forest ecosystems.

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Image Courtesy: https://www.zoopraha.cz/en/about-zoo/news/14327-tiko-the-spider-monkey-is-a-year-old-the-young-critically-endangered-species-is-discovering-the-world

Despite their intriguing traits, spider monkeys face threats from habitat loss due to deforestation, hunting, and the illegal pet trade. Conservation efforts aim to protect their natural habitats and raise awareness about the importance of preserving these intelligent and ecologically vital primates in the intricate tapestry of tropical rainforests.

4. Squirrel Monkeys

Squirrel monkeys are characterized by their small size, short fur, and distinctive black and white facial markings. Native to the tropical forests of Central and South America, these diurnal primates are highly social and live in large groups.

Squirrel monkeys (genus Saimiri) are small, agile primates that belong to the New World monkey family Cebidae. Native to the tropical rainforests of Central and South America, these energetic and social creatures are easily recognizable by their distinctive appearance. Squirrel monkeys typically have a coat of short fur, with colors ranging from olive green to yellowish-orange, and a white or cream-colored face surrounded by a dark mask. Their prehensile tail, longer than their body, aids in balance and navigation through the dense canopy.

Social structures within squirrel monkey troops are complex, with individuals forming close-knit relationships. These monkeys communicate through various vocalizations, facial expressions, and body language, facilitating cooperation and group cohesion. Their diet primarily consists of fruits, insects, and small vertebrates, showcasing their omnivorous nature.

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Image Courtesy: https://a-z-animals.com/blog/do-squirrel-monkeys-make-good-pets/

Squirrel monkeys are known for their playful behavior, often engaging in acrobatic displays and social grooming. However, they are also preyed upon by various predators, including birds of prey, snakes, and larger mammals. Conservation efforts are crucial to ensure the survival of these primates, as habitat loss and illegal pet trade pose significant threats to their populations. Researchers continue to study squirrel monkeys to gain insights into primate behavior, cognition, and evolution.

5. Tamarin Monkeys

Tamarins are small monkeys known for their distinctive appearance, featuring a crown of hair on their heads. Native to Central and South America, tamarins are arboreal and primarily feed on fruits and insects. They often form monogamous pairs and engage in cooperative breeding, where family members help raise offspring.

Tamarin monkeys, members of the family Callitrichidae, are captivating and diminutive primates native to Central and South America. These small, agile creatures are recognized for their distinctive appearance, characterized by a luxurious mane of hair framing their faces, resembling a lion’s mane, which varies in color among different species.

Tamarins are highly social animals, often found in family groups that consist of parents and their offspring. Their cooperative nature extends to their unique parenting style, where older siblings actively participate in caring for and carrying the young. This communal approach to raising offspring contributes to the tight-knit bonds within tamarin communities.

In terms of diet, tamarins are omnivorous, consuming a diverse range of fruits, insects, and small vertebrates. Their sharp teeth and strong jaws enable them to crack open hard shells and extract seeds, showcasing their adaptability to varied environments.

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Image Courtesy: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/critically-endangered-cotton-top-tamarin-181633158.html

Unfortunately, tamarin monkeys face threats from habitat destruction, primarily due to deforestation and human expansion. Conservation efforts are crucial to preserving these remarkable primates and the ecosystems they inhabit. Researchers and wildlife enthusiasts continue to study and raise awareness about tamarin species, emphasizing the importance of protecting their habitats to ensure the survival of these charismatic and ecologically significant monkeys.

6. Macaque Monkeys

Macaques are a diverse group of monkeys found in various parts of Asia, Africa, and Gibraltar. Known for their adaptability, macaques inhabit a wide range of environments, from forests to urban areas. These monkeys are highly social and exhibit complex social structures, with hierarchical relationships within groups.

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Image Courtesy: https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/wildlife-biodiversity/bonnet-macaque-carcasses-in-karnataka-village-highlight-struggle-between-farmers-and-monkeys-in-region-93427

7. Baboons

Baboons are Old World monkeys native to Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Recognizable by their dog-like snouts and prominent buttocks, baboons are terrestrial and live in large troops. They are opportunistic omnivores, feeding on a variety of foods, including fruits, leaves, insects, and small vertebrates.

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Image Courtesy: https://www.nature.com/articles/35065597

8. Langur Monkeys

Langurs, native to Asia, are recognized for their long tails and often colorful fur. These arboreal monkeys are adapted to a life spent in the trees and are skilled leapers. Langurs are herbivores, feeding on leaves, fruits, and flowers, and are known for their complex social structures.

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Image Courtesy: https://www.downtoearth.org.in/blog/wildlife-biodiversity/are-langurs-and-rhesus-macaques-really-sworn-enemies-of-each-other–91496

9. Colobus Monkeys

Colobus monkeys, found in Africa, are characterized by their striking black and white fur and long tails. Unlike many other monkeys, colobus monkeys have a specialized stomach adapted for efficiently digesting leaves. They are primarily arboreal and live in multi-male, multi-female groups.

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Image Courtesy: https://www.awf.org/wildlife-conservation/colobus-monkey

10. Gibbons

Gibbons are small apes found in Southeast Asia. Known for their long arms and agile movements in trees, gibbons are highly arboreal and rarely descend to the ground. They have a unique form of locomotion called brachiation, swinging from branch to branch using their arms. Gibbons are known for their elaborate vocalizations that play a crucial role in marking territory and attracting mates.

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Image Courtesy: https://www.ifaw.org/animals/gibbons

11. Marmoset Monkeys

Marmosets are small monkeys native to South America. Recognizable by their small size, long tails, and tufted ears, marmosets are arboreal and highly active. They have specialized teeth for gouging tree bark to extract sap and gum, which forms a significant part of their diet.

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Image Courtesy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pygmy_marmoset

12. Mandrills

Mandrills, native to Central and West Africa, are the largest of all monkeys. Recognizable by their colorful faces and rear ends, mandrills are terrestrial and live in multi-male, multi-female groups. They are omnivores, feeding on fruits, seeds, insects, and small vertebrates.

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Image Courtesy: https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/ohios-columbus-zoo-welcomes-baby-mandrill/ZPDUAIVQFZEJVO652KJBXAXFHM/

13. Vervet Monkeys

Vervet monkeys, native to Africa, are known for their distinctive blue scrotums and colorful faces. These monkeys are arboreal and live in multi-male, multi-female groups. Vervets are omnivores, with a diet that includes fruits, leaves, insects, and small animals.

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Image Courtesy: https://www.primeugandasafaris.com/the-vervet-monkey/

14. Japanese Macaque (Snow Monkey)

Recognizable by their red faces and buttocks, these monkeys inhabit various habitats, from forests to hot springs. They are known for their unique behavior of bathing in hot springs during winter, a behavior observed in certain populations.

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Image Courtesy: https://detroitzoo.org/animals/zoo-animals/macaque-japanese/

15. Golden Lion Tamarin

The golden lion tamarin, native to Brazil, is a small, brightly colored monkey with golden-orange fur. This critically endangered species is known for its distinctive appearance and is characterized by its prehensile tail. Conservation efforts are underway to protect and preserve the remaining populations of golden lion tamarins and their habitats.

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Image Courtesy:https://www.twinkl.kr/teaching-wiki/golden-lion-tamarin

In this exploration of 15 types of monkeys, we have touched upon the remarkable diversity within the primate order. From the small and agile marmosets to the large and colorful mandrills, each type of monkey has adapted to its environment in unique ways. Whether swinging through the treetops or foraging on the forest floor, monkeys continue to captivate researchers and enthusiasts alike with their complex social behaviors, diverse diets, and incredible adaptations. As we strive to understand and conserve these fascinating creatures, our knowledge of their biology and behavior deepens, highlighting the importance of protecting their habitats and ensuring their continued existence in the wild.

Featured image courtesy: https://worldanimalfoundation.org/advocate/wild-animals/params/post/1288402/capuchins

15 Types Of Monkeys That Exist - Species On Earth (2024)


How many types of monkeys exist? ›

“Monkeys are broadly divided into Old World species—160 species, and New World species—174 species,” says Jessica A. Mayhew, PhD, assistant professor of anthropology and museum studies, and director of the Primate Behavior and Ecology Program at Central Washington University. So that's 334 species altogether!

How many monkeys exist in the world? ›

There are currently 264 known monkey species, and scientists group them into New World monkeys that are found in South America (marmoset) and Old World monkeys that are found in Asia and Africa (baboon).

Which species of monkey has only 20 left in the world? ›

The Hainan black crested gibbon (Nomascus hainanus), which was removed from the 2008–2010 list, still has fewer than 20 individuals left, but significant efforts to protect it are now being made.

What are the top 5 most common monkeys? ›

List of primates by population
Common nameBinomial namePopulation
ChimpanzeePan troglodytes172,700–299,700
Booted macaqueMacaca ochreata180,000
GeladaTheropithecus gelada200,000
Müller's Bornean gibbonHylobates muelleri250,000–375,000
75 more rows

What are the 14 great apes? ›

We recognize 14 kinds of great ape: four subspecies of gorillas, four chimpanzee subspecies and the singular bonobo, all found in Africa, plus five kinds of orangutans known from tropical Asia.

Are there 300 species of primates? ›

There are more than 250 species, and possibly more than 300 species, of primates living today. Primates are generally divided into two major groups: a) the strepsirhines, which includes lemurs and lorises; and, b) the haplorhines which includes tarsiers, monkeys, apes, and humans.

Are humans 90% monkey? ›

Our last common ancestor with chimps lived about 6 million years ago. Our last common ancestor with monkeys lived between 25 and 30 million years ago, and we have only about 90% of our genes in common.

Is there an extinct monkey? ›

The largest ever primate and one of the largest of the southeast Asian megafauna, Gigantopithecus blacki1, persisted in China from about 2.0 million years until the late middle Pleistocene when it became extinct2,3,4.

How many living species of monkeys are there? ›

There are about 200 species, or types, of monkey. Scientists divide them into two groups, Old World monkeys and New World monkeys. Old World monkeys include baboons, drills, mandrills, macaques, guenons, langurs, and colobus monkeys.

What's the rarest monkey? ›

The Tonkin snub-nosed monkey was thought to be extinct until a small population was rediscovered in the 1990s. It is one of the world's most endangered monkeys. The last surviving individuals are confined to a few isolated forest fragments among the karst limestone peaks of northern Vietnam.

Can monkeys live to 100? ›

Monkeys in the wild rarely live to old age and can only live to young adulthood. In captivity, monkeys can live 20 years, sometimes even 30 years.

What is the newest species of monkey? ›

The monkey is called the Popa langur, for it lives on the steep hillsides of the extinct Mount Popa volcano in Myanmar. It was the only new mammal. There are also dozens of newly identified reptiles, frogs and newts, fish and 155 plant species, including the only known succulent bamboo species, found in Laos.

What does the 🐒 mean? ›

2. The 🐵 (monkey face) emoji can also represent gleeful happiness. Depending on the context of the conversation, the 🐵 is an easy, fun way to share happiness or laughter about something. If someone shares some good news with a 🐵 emoji, they're probably using the emoji to show how happy and light-hearted they are.

What is the cutest monkey? ›

Well, they're not dogs. Or cats. Or domestic animals of any kind.

Which monkeys have a high IQ? ›

Capuchin IQ

Capuchins are the most intelligent New World monkeys – perhaps as intelligent as chimpanzees. They are noted for their ability to fashion and use tools. For instance, they have been observed Page 2 using rocks to crack open nuts.

What is the rarest monkey type? ›

Did you know that the world's rarest primate is actually a gibbon? The Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus) is critically endangered. In fact, this ape is found only in the Bawangling Nature Reserve on Hainan Island, China, located in the South China Sea.

Is a gorilla a monkey? ›

Gorillas are apes, they are not monkeys, although, they both belong to the different branches of simian infraorder. People often think, gorillas and monkeys are same, but gorillas are the members of hominidae family. Like orangutans, gorillas are closely related to humans.

Is a baboon a monkey? ›

Baboons are some of the world's largest monkeys, and males of different species average from 33 to 82 pounds. Baboon bodies are 20 to 40 inches long, not including substantial tails of varying lengths. Baboons generally prefer savanna and other semi-arid habitats, though a few live in tropical forests.


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